Half Scottish, Half Japanese. Tempura Mars bar?

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I began writing this blog in October 2010 as a new father documenting food in his family. Before I knew it, I was in the final of MasterChef 2012. Now cooking is no longer just a hobby.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Green shoots

Bye bye bamboo shoots, hello green shoots? I noticed today on my way to work that Tampopo has been replaced on Fulham Road by Strutt and Parker. When a cheap Asian restaurant gets gazumped by an estate agent, surely it signals the green shoots of recovery?

I also noticed that the site of FishWorks further down Fulham Road, which has been idle for two years since the company went into administration, is being spruced up. I wonder whether the kitchen has been ripped out.

Poor, unloved blog! No entries for almost a month and no photos of Hector. Here is one of him, aged a little over 4 months old. He has started chewing on things now - Sophie the Giraffe is the victim here - suggesting that some teeth may be coming through soon.